A person who has a positive family history should not only go for an ECG but also request for some very sensitive DNA-based tests.
As a matter of fact, all immediate male and female relatives of someone who has had an unexplained and unexpected sudden death should have such tests done to find out if they have inherited similar mutations. Though Brugada syndrome is more common among males, this does not mean that females will be spared.
In 2004, a study conducted by a group of researchers from New York, Spain and other regions revealed that the immediate period after giving birth to a baby seems to be particularly risky for affect women.
Once the tests confirm a person is at risk, preventive measures should be initiated. The potential candidate may have to take drugs known as beta blockers, which modulate the heart rhythm. If necessary, pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators could be implanted to prevent dangerous heart rhythms from taking over. The cardiac defibrillators are devices that are capable of delivering an electric shock to reset the ticker when situation requires.
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